Doggy Ears Injured? Three Steps to Care for Ear-Flap Wounds

If you have a dog with droopy ears, it's going to be prone to ear-flap injuries. Whether your dog is gets running around or getting into fights, the ear flaps can get in the way and could suffer a nasty gash. Unfortunately, even if the wound is small, the ear flaps are going to bleed quite a bit because there are a lot of tiny blood vessels on the surface of your dog's ears. Here are three steps you can take to treat the wounds and stop the bleeding.

Clean the Wound

The first thing you'll need to do is clean the wound. Start by trimming the fur away from the wound. If your dog has long hair, use a pair of blunt scissors or electric trimmers to remove as much hair as possible. If your dog has short hair, you'll just need to do a quick trim to make sure you can see the entire wound. Once the hair is removed and the wound is visible, you should rinse the area with clear water. Apply a small amount of mild soap and wash the area. Rinse the wound well with fresh water and pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Stop the Bleeding

Once the wound is clean, you'll need to stop the bleeding. Take a small amount of medical gauze or a clean towel and place it directly over the wound. Apply direct pressure for several minutes. If your dog doesn't want to sit still while you apply pressure, offer it small treats that it can nibble on while you tend to the wounds.

Secure the Ears

Because ear-flap wounds bleed so easily, you'll need to secure your dog's ears while they heal. Scratching or head shaking can cause the wound to break open or start bleeding again. Take a small piece of medical gauze and cover the injury. Carefully place the injured ear flap on top of your dog's head. Fold the other ear flap over onto the injured flap. Wrap medical gauze around the ears to hold them together. Finally, cut the sleeve off of a t-shirt and pull the sleeve over your dog's head. Your dog's face should be exposed through one opening of the sleeve, while the rest of the sleeve is over your dog's head. This will hold the ears and the bandages in place. Be sure to clean the injury and replace the bandages once a day.

If your dog has suffered ear injuries, you'll need to clean the wounds and secure the ears. If you notice a foul odor or discharge coming from your dog's wounds, be sure to visit a professional such as Gwynedd Veterinary Hospital as soon as possible. Your dog may have an infection that will need to be treated.
